Support us

There are several ways to support OneAction. You can make a donation or plant trees, either in Ecuador in one of the world’s most biodiverse regions, or by contributing to a fund to increase the vegetation cover in Swiss municipalities.


Using our bank details:

OneAction Association
Rue Voltaire 2, 1201 Geneva
Banque Cantonale de Genève
IBAN: CH3600788000050302242

Plant trees

To contribute to global efforts to restore nature to its rightful place on earth, plant trees with OneAction! The trees planted will help restore one of the 10 most biodiverse ecosystems in the world in northern Ecuador, recreating important habitat for wildlife and creating stable employment for local communities.

Price: CHF 5 per tree (payment to be made using the bank details above with the mention “Plant trees”)

More about this project

Contribute to the plantation fund

By contributing to OneAction’s planting fund, you will enable OneAction to plant trees in Switzerland as part of its Reunited Under the Canopy project. To do so, simply make a payment to OneAction’s bank account as mentioned above, with the mention “Planting Fund”.

More about this project